
Why join a men’s group?

BELONGING - A men's group can be the foundation of some really close friendships. Many men say that the guys in their group know them more closely than their own families. Others have found that they've learned to trust other men, after years of being wary and uncertain. This sense of  trust and belonging developed in the group environment can then spread outwards to their everyday lives.

SO WHAT IS COMPLETE MEN? -  WHO ARE WE? Complete Men is a registered charity with a mission to help, support and inspire men of all ages to reach their full potential. We achieve this through individual group programs for men, including weekly men’s groups, workshops and other opportunities for self-discovery.

Complete Men Weekly Men’s Groups Help Men:
- A well run men's group is a safe place for men to be real, not only to express what's going on for them, but to learn from the experience of others who are also prepared to drop their mask and be vulnerable.

Many men were brought up to believe that a real man is macho, in control of his surroundings and unaffected by doubt, guilt, frustration, and the fear of not measuring up. They are often surprised to find that other men also find it challenging to reconcile what's going on inside with their expectations of being a real man.

THE FLIGHT SIMULATOR - A safe and supportive men's group is a great place to try out new things, or even just to blow off some steam. It's a place where the "plane" can crash without any one getting hurt.

IMPROVED SELF WORTH AND ACCEPTANCE - Men who belong to groups report major improvements in self-worth, self-acceptance and self-esteem, coming from the awareness they get from the other men.

CHANGING HABITS AND OLD PATTERNS - Men often have patterns of behaviour that no longer serve them - scripts that are programmed deeply into their "autopilots". And sometimes it's easier to recognise these patterns in other members of the group before we see them in ourselves. The group not only helps with awareness, but also in supporting men through the challenges of changing these patterns, by both encouraging them and holding each other accountable.

BETTER CONNECTION AND RELATIONSHIPS - A solid men's support group has guidelines and protocols to make it safe for a man (and for the group) to discuss uncomfortable or controversial topics (yes, even sex, politics or religion) without making anyone else wrong. Men then find they can use the same tools to have meaningful conversations with their family, partners or children that may have previously gone nowhere.

NEW DIRECTIONS - Some men find the personal growth from the group helps them to find or fine tune their passion into a new direction, giving them and those around them a more rewarding life.


“I have found it's changed me as a person it's allowed me to open up in safe non negative environment with support all around it's changed the way I think about situations I find myself in and I can talk about it with my brothers” Daniel H, Father, Age 23

  • Belong with men who will help you and give you honest feedback.

  • Have an authentic connection with others who will support you and celebrate your achievement every step of the way.

  • Be part of a trusted circle of men where you can discuss things you might be unable to discuss with anyone else.

  • Be challenged and kept accountable to your commitments.

  • A safe place where you don’t have to defend yourself or compete.

  • A place to have fun and learn about real lifelong friendships.


"I now stand in my own skin, reaching within, so far from what I've been..." Extract from the poem/rap in the above video. Darren L, Labourer moving into Youth Work, Age 45

"When I hear the problems of the other 9 fellas in my group, they all seem so simple and the solutions are so obvious, but when it comes to my problems - well they are sooo complex! And then I got it - the other fellas see it the same way too. So all that advice I'm bursting to give them..... well now I just give that to myself - and it works!" -
John C, IT Professional, Age 43.

"I see a counselor or a psychologist every now and then, but this is a whole new level. When I'm talking to a therapist, I often find myself telling them what they want to hear - I want them to like me and see me as the model client - so I end up committing to things I can't deliver on. In my men's group it's different - I don't have to be perfect, and the other guys hold me accountable." - Lindsay J, Personal Trainer, Age 38.

"I've finally learned to trust other men. By feeling safe with the guys in my group, I'm now more approachable, less aggressive and lead a far richer life." Denis O, Business Owner, 39

“Men’s Group is a source of camaraderie from other men who are prepared to expose their vulnerabilities in a supportive, non-judgemental environment with other men to improve the overall togetherness or brotherhood. Seeing other guys being honest and open about their challenges and most of all doing so in front of other men they know nothing about, except that they are there to comfort and support them through it. The exercises that Tim and the facilitators run are often insightful and frequently emotional. This connectedness and solidarity helps break down the barriers between all.” Robert M, Online Marketer, Age 47.

“The groups both online and face 2 face has allowed me to take ownership of my feeling, I found that I am not alone I have found my tribe and men from these groups are my brothers.” Jason C, School Teacher, Age 36

“What I get from Complete Men both in person and online is ‘Belonging’. Being part of something worthwhile, sharing personal feelings and experiences in a safe, non judgmental atmosphere.” Rob P, Retired, Age 81

“Going to men's group has been life changing... I was in a very bad relationship and men's group helped me realise what I needed to do. Now my life is.... Complete” Josh W, Business Owner, Age 32

“Men’s Group has made a huge difference to my life. I love being able to express my real feelings in a safe environment, and to speak without fear and without being interrupted in the company of genuine men. The group has allowed me to explore emotions that I had long since buried and has given me tools to understand them. It has brought me closer to my sons and my wife. It has been a very humbling experience and I am deeply grateful and appreciative of the men that have supported me and opened their hearts to me.” Nicholas F, Retired, Age 70